Pelé thanks life for celebrating his 82 years with health

10/24/2022 at 00:56


“On my birthday I just want to express my gratitude. Life is very good. Completing 82 years together with you in health. That is the best gift,” Pelé wrote.

The ex-footballer received multiple messages of congratulations

Brazilian former soccer player Edson Arantes do Nascimento ‘Pelé’ thanked life this Sunday for allowing him to celebrate his 82 years with health and with his friends from “Brazil and the world”.

“On my birthday I just want to express my gratitude. Life is very good. Completing 82 years together with you in good health. That is the best gift. Thank you for everything I have received,” Pelé wrote on his Instagram profile.

In a video on the same social network, Pelé addressed the “friends from Brazil and from all over the world” and stated that he is in good health, without referring to his treatment for a colon tumor.

“God gave me this health to be able to thank you. The whole world knows that I am thankful for my age. 82 years is a gift from God and I hope to continue for a long time. Another 82 is fine. I sincerely appreciate everything I have received “, complete.

Some figures, like the forward of the French PSG Neymar and former soccer player Rivaldo, among many others, sent congratulatory messages to Pelé.

“God continue to bless his life even more,” Rivaldo wrote, while Neymar posted a video on his social networks to wish “Happy Birthday to the King of Soccer”

Pelé underwent surgery last year for a colon tumor detected during a routine battery of tests.

From there, he began a cycle of chemotherapy sessions that has forced him to go to the hospital a few times to closely monitor his evolution.

Since then, his state of health has been surrounded by a certain mystery, since little information comes out from his environment, although according to the health bulletins of previous months his picture remains “stable”.

Pelé’s health has deteriorated in recent years for other reasons as well, such as spine, hip, and knee problemswhich have reduced his mobility and have forced him to go through the operating room, in addition to suffering a kidney crisis.

This has drastically reduced his public appearances, although he remains very active on social networks.
