Pekela politicians are struggling with the image of the new town hall: ‘how do we explain that if we do remove bridges?’

Politicians in Pekela on Tuesday supported and groaned in agreeing to extra research money for a new town hall. They are afraid that a new expensive town hall will be difficult to explain to residents. Mayor Kuin became ‘a bit irritable’.

The bridge renovation over the Pekelder Hoofddiep plays out in the background. Some of the river connections will disappear because no more money has been made available. At the same time, the town hall is seriously outdated. It must be made sustainable according to the law and adjustments must be made so that civil servants have decent workplaces. According to Mayor Kuin, not everything is occupational health and safety anymore.

The municipality now wants to further investigate three options: new construction near the Badde and on the current site of the town hall. As well as a thorough renovation of the town hall. Among other things, it must be considered what renting a temporary place will cost while construction is underway. The research requires an additional 75,000 euros, which is on top of the previous 100,000 euros in research costs. Construction costs for something new have been provisionally estimated at around 10 million euros.

‘How do I explain this?’

“How should I explain that to our residents, while they really want to keep more bridges?” says Grietje Norder-Smit, group leader of Samen voor Pekela (SVP) about new construction. She is a fervent supporter of thorough renovation, for example by purchasing insulating curtains.

That hit Kuin the wrong way. He believes that Norder-Smit underestimates the renovation work, he made it clear in a fierce manner. He is also not in favor of that renovation – although it is being investigated according to the proposal, in order to be able to make a well-founded decision. Kuin predicts it will be patchwork. “You actually have to peel off the entire building down to just the steel structure.” Furthermore, expansion is no longer possible at the location, as binding agreements have been made with local residents.

New construction means longer depreciation

Renovation also means depreciation over 25 years. As a result, the costs of a new building, which can be depreciated for longer per year, are actually lower because it lasts longer.

But he doesn’t get the advice easily. He adjourns the meeting to discuss the subject behind closed doors. According to Arthur van Dooren (PVV), the conclusion is that all council members have the feeling that removing bridges and building a new town hall will cause ‘some discomfort’: “Yes, I agree with new construction. The majority is in favor of it. And it is also necessary that this should be investigated.” At the same time, we must look at how this relates to the ‘budget of the bridges’. Only SVP ultimately votes against.
