Pedro Sánchez investiture and PSOE pact – Junts, live

The PSOE expects to register the amnesty law this afternoon or Friday

With the judicial shelving of the ‘procés’ already agreed with Junts, as was done last week with ERC, all that remains is for the socialists to register the norm in the Congress of Deputies for its approval, a process that is expected to be long. The PSOE plans to take that step this afternoon or tomorrow, Friday, parliamentary sources explain. This Thursday is the day of the Virgin of Almudena, a holiday in Madrid, so the Lower House is closed. The registration would therefore have to be electronic and for official purposes it would appear as registered on Friday at 10 in the morning, which is when the office reopens. At the same time, the socialists have to send the law itself to the rest of the partners of Pedro Sánchez’s investiture (Sumar, Bildu, the PNV and the BNG), because they want them to also sign it, and all these groups need time to read it and give your approval. With this scenario, it is likely that everything will be delayed until Friday, as explained Juan Ruiz Sierra.
