Pedro Hietanen is dead – Such was the last meeting in the hospital with Pepe Willberg

Willberg got to know Hietasee during his music career in the early 1970s.

According to Pepe Willberg, Hietanen always seemed to be in a good mood. Even if he was having a bad day, he didn’t show it. ATTE KAJOVA

Musician Pepe Willberg74, remembers his friend, who passed away on Independence Day Pedro from Hieta. Willberg says that he last met Hietanen a few months ago at Kauniala Hospital.

– He had told me that he doesn’t want to go to his home anymore, but instead goes to a traditional service house, because there everything is kind of close at hand and the food comes to the table. He was so dizzy that he wasn’t quite sure if he would be able to walk on his own, says Willberg.

Willberg describes Hieta as a “great guy”.

– I got to know him in the early 70s as part of the band Paradise and we spent many years together, I would say, around the world, says Willberg.

Hietanen played keyboards in the ensemble. Pepe & Paradise’s most famous songs include, among others I got everything from life and Morning.

According to Willberg, Hietanen was always positive and no bad traits could be found in him. The man enjoyed playing and performing.

– Maybe he had bad days, but it was almost never visible in his circle of friends. He was always ready to have fun, and playing is fun when you do it in good company.

After the band years, contact became less frequent, but did not stop. Still, they called each other and exchanged news.

– Pedro had his own things and I also had mine. He had a job with a record label at EMI, and he was dealing an awful lot with different artists. He also did all sorts of gigs.

Pedro Hietanen at Linna’s party in 2018. Pasi Liesimaa
