Pedro Hietanen has died

The well-known musician has passed from time to eternity.

Pedro Hietanen participated in Linna’s celebrations in 2018. Jenni Gästgivar / IL

The seriously ill Pedro Hietanen has died, exhausted by a long-term illness. Hietanen was 74 years old when he died.

Hietanen’s family confirmed the musician’s passing to STT.

In July 2022, Hietanen confirmed to Ilta-Sanom that he was seriously ill. Hietanen did not define his illness in more detail.

Hietanen was known as a musician, conductor, producer and television and radio performer. During his career, Hietanen worked with, among others, Irwin Goodman, Paula Koivuniemi, Eino Grön. Hietanen’s music was also heard by Aki Kaurismäki, Jörn Donner and Mika Kaurismäki in the movies. Hietanen’s instruments included piano, accordion, electric organ and keyboards.

Pedro Hietanen in 1983. MATTI SAVES

In the 1980s and 1990s, Hietanen appeared in several television programs. For example, Hietanen appeared as Pommi-cat with Gommi-cat played by MA Numminen.

Pedro Hietanen and MA Numminen in 2014. Patrick Forsblom

Pedro Hietanen and MA Numminen in the 1990s. IL ARCHIVE
