Pedro and Jorge Javier, between the mainland and the Caribbean

Unequal informational attention that they have given to Jorge Javier Vazquez for having made the presentation, to Pedro Sanchez, from his book ‘Tierra firma’. In ‘Al Rojo Vivo’, ‘A-3 Noticias’ and ‘Telenotícies migdía’, they have ignored him. In TVE-1’s ‘Telediario’, in ‘Cuatro al día’ and ‘Todo Es Mentira’, and in ‘Informativos T-5’ they have been more generous and have given him a few minutes.

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Man, it’s news that the one who has been the star presenter of the ‘telecinqüe’ for decades has achieved such a magnificent orbital leap, settling – at least momentarily – at the top of the socio-political scale. There were up to 14 ministers at this presentation, squeezed among a notable mass of select audiences. The attention on the ‘showman’ was superlative. As much as about the protagonist of the book. We have seen that J.J. He has bleached his hair, perhaps to imitate that ‘cotton style’ that was fashionable years ago among some socialist leaders. And he was also familiar with the president from the beginning. Ah! This friendliness denotes that there is a very good feeling between them. J.J. He livened up the evening very well, that is indisputable. She told the president, for example, that she should go as a contestant on ‘Survivors in the Caribbean.’ AND Sanchez He responded, following the irony: «You could do it in El Salvador because we have a mediator there». And the public, naturally, enjoyed it very much. To me, the president’s warning that there are networks with talk shows seemed delightfully naive.decompensated», with an abundance of right-wing people and few progressives. He added that this causes “red lines are crossed». Ahh! It seems that Pedro Sanchez He watches little TV, or if he does, it is selectively. For ‘crossing red lines’, the many years of J.J. performing autopsies while alive and filling the set with viscera and giblets.

A few days ago – I told him here – he told him Pedro Piqueras to Risto Mejide that he had never agreed to maintain personal relationships with politicians. In case of J.J. It is different. He is a ‘showman’, and above all a ‘communicator’, which is that fashionable job in which everything fits and stretches like chewing gum. You might as well go out advertising a brand of melons as you would the memoir ‘Tierra Firma’. Ah! The brush with power generates expectations of affection in the jester. It is an illusion. History continually demonstrates this mistake.
