Pécresse asks for urgent donations so that the French right does not disappear

The candidate of the party of the French traditional right The Republicans (LR), Valerie Pecresse, launched this Monday a desperate appeal to urgently obtain donations that allow it to face the 7 million euros of the electoral budget after the debacle in the presidential vote, given the risk of disappearing. By not reaching the 5% threshold , his party will not get the refund of the seven million euros of electoral expenses that he expected and hence the president of the Paris region said that “the financial situation of the campaign is critical”.

“The survival of LR and the survival of the Republican right is at stake,” the party’s candidate in the presidential elections stressed in a brief statement to the press. Pécresse was disqualified this Sunday from the second round by obtaining only 4.79% of the votes. This is the worst result for the training heir to de Gaulle, which has given several presidents to France, including Jacques Chirac and Nicolas SarkozY.


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“The Republicans cannot afford these expenses,” she said in a voice filled with emotion, before adding that she had personally assumed “a debt of five million” euros. “I urgently need your help between now and May 15 to deal with the financing of this presidential campaign,” he stressed, after addressing both those who voted for him and those who opted for “the useful vote” and simply those who “defend political pluralism”.

Pecresse was the richest candidate of the 12 who were presenting themselves in these presidential elections. According to the report of the Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATV) to which they had to declare his assets, he has a fortune of about ten million euros.
