Pear trees Ruinerwold are blooming again

It makes for picturesque pictures even when the sun isn’t shining: the pear trees that line the long Dr. Larijweg in Ruinerwold. Those who want to see them should take a look in the coming weeks. The pear trees are now in bloom.

The pear trees were placed in 1928 on the initiative of municipal physician Hendrik Larij from Ruinerwold. There were no fewer than 2000. Larij wanted to distribute the pears among the poor people of the population, so that they could also get their vitamins.

The necessary trees have been killed by disease and rot, but along the seven kilometer long road there are still enough trees left for a good pear harvest.

The trees are full of pears of the most diverse varieties. These include the Provisie pear, Kamperveen, Winterloutje, Gieser Wildemans or Winterjan.

The pears are picked on the first Saturday of October.
