PayPal wins the title of Favorite Brand of the French

As part of a study carried out from May 4 to 5, 2022 on the OpinionWay panel, PayPal won the French Preferred Brand ranking in the Payment Applications category, the company said. This distinction, which will be valid for two years, consolidates the reputation of the company in the world, at a time when France represents its fourth largest international market, with 14 million active accounts.

PayPal seduces the French

PayPal was voted France’s Favorite Brand with a comfortable lead of 44 points over second place in the Payment Applications category. In the study carried out on May 4 and 5, 2022 among 1,057 people of French nationality, a large part of the respondents decided in its favor.

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Francis Barel, Director of PayPal France, described this award as ” finest consecration ever in a statement. He also commended the company’s efforts to optimize its business model and gain user trust. ” PayPal has always been a customer-centric company. We are proud to be Customer Champions, combining security and simplicity, because in payments, one never goes without the other. “, he expresses himself.

PayPal continues to innovate

PayPal was founded in the United States in 1998 with the ambition to simplify financial transactions, through alternative payment solutions to checks and credit cards. Today, it has over 400 million active users worldwide.

In 2021, he developed the Digital Wallet, an ergonomic and accessible application using AI and machine learning technologies and allowing to:

  • Receive and send money to relatives,
  • Make purchases by QR codes,
  • Access the 4x installment payment solution free of charge,
  • support causes and charities they want…

Its commitment to the popularization of payments and financing extends to businesses. In May 2022, PayPal launched the Financing Pro solution, which offers VSEs/SMEs access to rapid financing in a few minutes.
