Payments, medical care and more: instructions and recommendations of the President

The President of Russia made a number of instructions. This was reported on the Kremlin website.

Russians living in the DNR and LNRmay get the right to apply for social benefits through the “Gosuslugi” without specifying a residence permit. Vladimir Putin instructed to think over the simplification of this procedure.

The government was instructed to submit ideas for registering persons without a fixed place of residence, paying them pensions and providing medical care by May 1.

Until July 1, the government needs to amend the laws for additional monthly payments to holders of the three Orders of Courage.

The Central Bank is recommended to develop and approve by May 1 recommendations for credit institutions that will facilitate the issuance of loans to socially oriented non-profit organizations.

The Cabinet of Ministers and the CEC were instructed to submit proposals for improving legal acts on the participation in elections of voters who do not have registration in Russia.

By June 1, the government must report on the results of consideration of the idea of ​​creating a registry toxic content online for the protection of minors.

The Ministry of Education was instructed to provide days dedicated to the memory of genocide of peoples Nazis.

By July 1, parliament must consider a bill that clarifies concept of torture and increases responsibility for it. In addition, it is necessary to prepare proposals for the allocation of additional budgetary funds to expand the network of correctional centers and create jobs for those sentenced to forced labor.

Vladimir Putin instructed to analyze the legislation on regulating the activities of NGOs and the media, which perform the functions of foreign agents, by May 1.

It is also necessary to submit ideas about benefits and benefits to the leaders of non-profit organizations that work without remuneration.

Plenipotentiaries in the Far Eastern Federal District, Siberian Federal District and Volga Federal District were instructed to submit proposals for improving laws on the rights of indigenous peoples.

Vladimir Putin also recommended that the Supreme Court of Russia prepare clarifications on exceeding the limits of necessary defense by June.

The Prosecutor General’s Office needs to ensure inspections in the field of cetaceans and the issuance of permits for their catch.


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