Payment with Mobilepay is interrupted in K and S stores

Mobilepay’s services will end at the turn of the year.

The Mobilepay payment option ends in two large grocery store chains. Mobilepay says it is investigating further possibilities. Pete Anikari

The mobile payment application Mobilepay will no longer work in K and S group stores next year. Both Mobilepay itself and Kesko will inform about the matter.

Mobilepay says in the information on its user pages that payments via bluetooth connection to the payment terminal will stop working on December 31, 2023. The reason is the company change.

– Mobilepay and the Norwegian Vipps previously merged in the spring of 2023 into one Vipps Mobilepay company. With the change, we will connect our services to a new technical platform. For this reason, paying with a bluetooth connection at the payment terminal will stop for the time being, Mobilepay informs.

The payment services will function normally until they are interrupted, and you can also use the payments to accumulate chain loyalty benefits. It has not been possible to activate new loyal customers since yesterday. Loyal customers will also be removed from the application.

Mobilepay says that it is investigating the possibilities of bringing the features back to the new Mobilepay application.

The company announces that it will also investigate the possibility of continuing cooperation as soon as possible in the future.

This is how you can search for phone numbers in Mobilepay Julia Valtanen
