Payment scheme for people who have to repay excess benefits received | News item

News item | 12-09-2022 | 10:11

Since March 2020, the collection of excess benefits received has been suspended due to the corona measures. From April 2022, the collection has been restarted in phases. From April, the people who have only received too many allowances in 2020 up to and including February 2022 will be the first people to receive. From this week, Benefits will resume collection for people who have to repay excess benefits received over the years 2017 to February 2022. Surcharges has expanded the options for making payment arrangements.


Due to the two-year pause due to corona, it is possible that people no longer know that they still have to repay too many benefits received. That is why people first receive a pre-notification letter with an overview of the outstanding recoveries. People with a high recovery rate will be called before they receive the pre-notification letter. They are personally informed and are also offered immediate support. Four weeks after the pre-notification letter, an offer is made for a payment arrangement to repay the full amount in 24 months. If people cannot pay within the repayment term, a personal payment arrangement can be requested that suits the personal situation. No interest is charged on these payment arrangements. Benefits works together with municipalities, neighborhood teams and benefits service points to inform and help people. Benefits also works together with Geldfit to refer people with money worries to adequate support in the area.


In order to be able to help everyone as best as possible – with, for example, the application for a personal payment plan – the resumption of collection will take place in phases. From April, Benefits has phased out pre-announcement letters to people with recoveries that arose in the period 2020 to February 2022. A large part of this group has since repaid their excess benefits or has started to repay through the payment scheme. From 13 September, Benefits will be sent phased pre-announcement letters to people with reclaims that arose in the period between 2017 and February 2022. For parents affected by the benefits affair who have reported to the Implementing Organization for Recovery of Allowances (UHT), the collection will remain paused, at least while their case is pending.
