Pay extra for medical waste? In Medemblik people can receive compensation

Anyone who lives in Medemblik and produces a lot of waste will feel this in their wallets. The rule applies there: the more often you throw away waste, the more you have to pay. For example, for people who have stoma or incontinence waste, this is extra unpleasant because they throw away medical waste more often. The municipality of Medemblik accommodates them with a special arrangement.

Ostomy and incontinence materials and items for dialysis: once used, they go into the gray container. Anyone who has a lot of medical waste will pay a lot more in Medemblik than someone who only has residual waste.

Since last year, the municipality has worked with the recycling rate. You then pay a lower fixed amount each time you put the waste container with residual waste (the gray container) along the road or throw a garbage bag in an underground container.

Guidance questions

The local faction Hart voor Medemblik, a major opponent of the recycling rate in Medemblik from day one, is concerned about this group and previously asked council questions about the issue. “We are happy that the municipality is working on it,” said councilor Mark Hoogewerf.

To compensate this group financially, the municipality is introducing a so-called ‘Medical Waste Allowance’. This means that of the total number of times the gray container is emptied, only half of it will be charged.


However, Hoogewerf adds a comment. “I find it disappointing to read that only people with a gray container are mentioned. While the problems for medical waste actually arise for people who live in an apartment complex where there is an underground container.” They have to pay each time the valve opens. “It costs you more than 2 euros if you throw in a stoma bag. In my opinion, they are now forgotten.”

The compensation is not simply provided. Households must submit evidence via an application form to be eligible. A maximum of one allowance will be provided per household. This is possible until December 31.
