Paula Gonu is no longer Jijanta

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The club has decided to do without the services of the influencer

Jijantes FC has also announced another dismissal in its coaching staff

After the success of the Kings League, a new project began last Saturday, May 6: the Queens League. This is the women’s soccer league, made up of 12 teams that will be chaired by streamers and ex-footballers, and that the clubs will manage.

In February, Gerard Romero, president of Jijantes FC, presented Paula Gonu as the new president of the club. Now, only a few days after the competition’s premiere, the management has announced, through social networks, that The influencer is no longer the president of Jijantas. has taken over Lisbeth Cid.

Jijantes FC has not only announced this news, and it is that they have commented that Marc Carmonathe coach chosen by Gerard Romero in the first split, He will no longer be the coach of the team. The club has appreciated his services, but they have decided to terminate the contract. They have also made it public through social networks.
