Paul Magnette (PS) creates the idea of ​​basic income for young people in front

The stated intention is that the Parti Socialiste “must be able to study and who can’t do that, who want to work on a study that can be done and who don’t want to do that, who can run for free and who can do that Never can permit, zij the een goed salaries raise en zij the een heel laag salaries raise enzovoort.” The basic income for young people is considered to be “idealiter” at Europe’s level, with magnets still opting for L’Avenir. “Europe has now nood aan dergelijke mobiliserende projects”, besluit hij.

The idea of ​​a general basic income from magnets then we will not be able to test. “Ze zeggen: ‘We have ever 1,000 euros, of je nu werkloos bent, gepensioneerd bent of werkt en daarna zoek je het maar uit’. Ten first is dat ver onder de armoedegrens en dus onvoldoende. Het zou een algemene sociale regressie zijn, What is not particularly wonderful about the world of Mr. Ten two people have enormous power in the factory, which can say: ‘Everyone raises 1,000 euros, I don’t need more than 500 and the army should talk about it being overlaid.’ ”

The formula of a basic income for younger makes the PS-voorzitter more interesting. The idea is actually written in a book about ecosocialism, which is written with Hugues Bayet (Federal Parliament for the PS) and which will be published in October.
