Paul de Leeuw thinks Putin will not throw a nuclear bomb for the time being

Paul de Leeuw thinks that Vladimir Putin will not fire a nuclear bomb at America or Europe for the time being. “Before nuclear weapons are deployed, something really needs to be done…”

© Op1

The Russian attack on Ukraine is still the talk of the town. Paul de Leeuw also talks about it extensively in his podcast The Lion Lult On† TV maker Sinan Can says he fears for Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I am afraid that whatever he is after, he will succeed.”

Nuclear weapons

What does Sinan think of Putin’s threat with nuclear weapons? “That he says: ‘I am going to use nuclear weapons’, that is part of tactics and strategy. You know everyone is afraid of that. You must also be really crazy to use a nuclear weapon in your neighboring country. I mean: the consequences are obscure. I wouldn’t want to throw a nuclear bomb in my own backyard.”

Paul: “Yes, but I believe he will plan it a little further. I think he wants to make the West pay more. What I found awkward is that Ursula von der Leyen said, ‘Yes, of course Ukraine can join NATO.’ I find that quite a point of discussion, because that is of course what it is about: how threatening does Russia feel if Ukraine is allowed to join NATO?”

take Germany

Fellow guest Richard Groenendijk: “Do you seriously think, Paul, that there is a possibility that he wants to take Germany with a nuclear weapon?”

Paul: “No, no, I would think Luxembourg or Zoetermeer.”

Richard: “No, seriously, I must say that I find it frightening myself.”

Paul: “Well, before nuclear weapons are deployed, something really has to be done…”

knocked out

Paul thinks Putin has gone too far during the corona pandemic. “I saw that photo that he was talking to the army command. He sat at the head of the table and those two men were 5.5 meters away, because he has been in a kind of corona bunker for two years. He did not want to be surrounded by anyone for fear that he would contract corona himself at the age of 72.”

Richard sighs: “I don’t think you should eliminate China either. You hardly hear about it, but I’m actually most afraid of China. They are already everywhere in economic terms.”
