Patty Brard doesn’t think parking spaces*ks Martien Meiland are a problem

Patty Brard has absolutely no problem with the revelation that Martien Meiland would do parking spaces. “Anyone who is nasty about him can just get the hiccups from me.”

© SBS 6, NPO

It will probably haunt Martien Meiland forever: the revelation of the exiled house friend Caroline van Eeden that he would do parking *ks. That rumor received a huge stage on Thursday evening: Wilfred Genee devoted minutes of attention to it in Today Inside, the most watched talk show in the Netherlands.

“Get the hiccups!”

Caroline feels dragged through the mud by the Meilandjes and now comes with a book in which she all sleaze and dirt about the TV family on the street. Martien’s parking lot fun is part of that. How does Wilfred already know that? According to Evert Santegoeds, he maintains warm ties with the author of Caroline’s book: Valérie Lempereur.

From Patty Brard that Caroline can get the rambam. She says at the desk of Show news: “I love the Meilandjes. I think it’s a wonderful family and anyone who makes fun of Martien can get the hiccups as far as I’m concerned. I just think they’re wonderful people. Real sincere people.”

Sex life

Patty has no problem with the revelations about Martien’s intimate life. “If we’re going to talk about his sex life… Yes, guys, he’s already said everything about that himself, so we don’t have to go further…”

Colleague Bart Ettekoven: “You’re not tired of Meiland yet?”

Patty: “No, I’m not tired of Meiland yet. I stay with my mouth open… You could also do Bed & Breakfast with me all year round at the same time.”

New storyline

Evert Santegoeds keeps saying that Chateau Meiland is over, but Patty thinks that the TV family will continue to surprise with new storylines. “For example, they brought in a new housekeeper.”

She concludes: “I just like ordinary people. That intrigues me enormously and I can join them… What that relationship is like between Erica and Martien, that openness and that daughter who is a copy of her father. I can just keep looking at that all day.”
