Patrik Laine’s score tube continues – paint a lean comfort in a crushing defeat

The Finnish striker hit Washington Capitals.

Patrik Laine has been an effective player since his return. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS

Watch Patrik Laine’s paint in the video. NHL available on Viasat and Viaplay distribution channels.

Columbus Blue Jackets Patrik Laine guided the puck to the finish line and stretched his points tube for three matches.

However, Laine, who rose to the top spot on Columbus ’internal points exchange, was unable to celebrate a victory with her teammates as Washington Capitals uploaded seven hits to the blue-shirt network. In addition to the wave, Columbus players only hit Oliver Björkstand.

Or well, technically too Dean Kukan osui. Unfortunately only for your own goal. Puck escaped from the Swiss stage as he tries to clean the loose disc off the front of the paint with embarrassing consequences.

The power of the wave in the three-match power tube is now 2 + 2. After his return, he has scored 18 goals in 22 matches and given 13 goals.

Laine have scored 46 points in this match. He is in the top spot on the team’s internal points exchange along with Björkstand, although the Dane has played 17 more matches.

Columbus goalkeeper Joonas Korpisalo was fired for a substitution in the match. Wayne Gretzkyä chasing Alexander Ovetshkin scored their 38th goal of the season.

Laine was the only Finnish goal scorer in the round. The good news came from Edmonton when Jesse Puljujärvi returned to Oilers’ lineup after injury. The striker was left without a power mark in the victory match against Buffalo.
