Patrik Lainee’s wonderful work for men’s health

The points of the Columbus gun bring money to charity.

Patrik Laine helps mental health work in his current hometown in the state of Ohio. Jussi Eskola

NHL star Patrik Laine for every power point this season, $1,000 will go to charity.

The target is men’s mental health services in the home state of the Columbus Blue Jackets through an organization called OhioHealth.

– Good mental health is important, and it is also a personal topic for me, because I too have had mental health challenges from time to time. I am proud to partner with the OhioHealth Foundation this season and raise money for them and raise awareness in our community where many men may be suffering mentally, the Finn stated bulletin by.

Laine, 25, has started the season in the center forward position. In the first three matches, two points have been scored (1+1).
