Patrik Laine and Sami Vatanen challenge golf professionals

Patrik Laine and Sami Vatanen will play basketball in Pirkkala on Thursday.

Patrik Laine enjoys basketball. Pete Anikari

Disc stars Patrik Laine and Sami Vatanen are participating in the Finnish Tour of Finland in Pirkkala today.

– They have been playing Finnish Tour competitions before. And from what I’ve talked to them, yes, they’re serious about challenging the right professionals, Golf Pirkkala’s CEO Markus Junni says.

Laine and Vatanen will leave for Thursday’s round at the last start of the race at 2.45 pm together with a golfer Erik Myllymäki with.

Although the puck men are seriously involved, according to Junn, no fireworks are expected from them at this stage.

– This race is coming a little too early for them. For example, Vatanen has a five-week camp and two-week races during which he did not touch the rackets, Junni says.

So the feeling may still be a little in search, even though the kit, known for its handsome back hair, went a little practice on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Prize money in Pirkkala will be distributed as much as 40,000 euros.

Sami Vatanen is a familiar sight on the golf course in summer. Jussi Saarinen
