Patrick Wolf releases first new song in ten years





British singer-songwriter and composer Patrick Wolf has released his first song in ten years. “Enter The Day” is the first harbinger of the EP “The Night Safari”, which will be released in 2023. Most recently, Wolf released the double album “Sundark And Riverlight” in 2012.

“A charcoal drawing of a sparrowhawk was the last work my mother made before she died. And when I took my first walk to explore the land around my new home, back when I was moving to live by the sea, a sparrowhawk hovered above me in the stillness at the mouth of the bay,” says Wolf of the making of the song. “That afternoon I went home to my piano and started writing this song, which eventually became the epilogue of what I want to tell on ‘The Night Safari EP’. I designed this song to be a kind of bridge between my last production ‘Sundark & ​​Riverlight’ and the new EP, which takes the listener on a safari.”

“Enter the Day” is released exactly twenty years to the day after Wolf’s debut EP “The Patrick Wolf EP” (2002). In 2003 his first regular album “Lycanthropy” was released. The multi-instrumentalist Wolf usually plays a wide variety of instruments himself on his releases, ranging from the viola to the Celtic harp and synthesizers. So far he has released five albums and 5 EPS.




