Patrick Dempsey: ecology, politics and style at the launch of Devils 2

M.entre the web goes wild for the photos of the kiss on the set of As if by magic 2 between Patrick Dempsey And Amy Adams, the actor is in Milan for the presentation of another sequel: Devils 2the series produced by Sky which will air from April 22 on Sky Atlantic (and streamed on Now).

Patrick Dempsey, devil reloaded

With the release of Devils 2 Dempsey prepares to play again Dominic Morgan, the deus ex machina of world finance. Its character is not simply decoding, after all in the world of big data and large numbers it is never easy to define who and what is really evil (by whom or what is not).

However, the actor has very specific ideas on what the role of the actors could be and cultural products: try to stir consciences. During the Milanese press conference with which Sky Italia and Lux ​​Vide presented the series, he expressed himself clearly on what he considers the critical issues of the current situation, and on the fact that the time at our disposal is running out.

Alessandro Borghi and Patrick Dempsey at the presentation of “Diavoli 2”. (Getty Images)

As if by magic 2, what do we know

15 years from As if by magichalf traditional film and half cartoon released in 2007, the sequel is approaching Disney +, Disenchanted in English. It will not be available until next October, but in the meantime the first images from the set are starting to circulate online.

The protagonists, once again Patrick Dempsey and Amy Adams (Giselle and Robert), will also be disenchanted, but from the leaked backstage shots it seems that the their story in the film is going well. From the images leaked to date we know of a passionate kiss in New York, and one wheelchair spotted on another set, the one immersed in the countryside English of Buckinghamshire.

  Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey As if by magic 2

Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey kiss on the New York set of “Come d’incanto 2”. (Getty Images)

Multifaceted artist, cool on the red carpet and beauty testimonial

At nearly sixty – 56 years in factwas born in 1966 – and with incredible charm, Patrick Dempsey is not only one of the more elegant men circulating in the showis also one of those to which the cool comes easy.

Let it be the total white tuxedo or mountain boots under a tuxedo. It is the luck of the champion of the discreet and detached style, never a shock, yet damn how they center every trend.

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And since those who are like that are not afraid of getting old, he also lent himself to do from testimonial of his wife’s beauty and skincare line, Jillian Finkone of the most popular make-up artists.

