Patricia Schlesinger was excessive as RBB director

According to BZ editor Stefan Peter, Patricia Schlesinger has rarely shone in her role as director of the RBB

Patricia Schlesinger has rarely shone in her role as director of the RBB, says BZ editor Stefan Peter Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By Stephen Peter

Patricia Schlesinger has resigned as RBB director. A comment from BZ editor Stefan Peter.

Not only because of the lousy ratings of the RBB it is clear: Patricia Schlesinger was not a good director. But a good actress.

In public, she was always quite convincing as a dedicated media manager. Who turns every fee cent twice, caring for all RBB employees.

A beautiful role. Which had little to do with reality. While Schlesinger constantly complained about not having enough money for her station, she indulged in luxury – financed by fees!

Sunday now her farewell to the RBB – about which there was prompt confusion. The press office spoke of Schlesinger resigning from her job with immediate effect. In her e-mail to the Broadcasting Council, she only announced that she would no longer continue her employment – ​​as of February 28, 2023. She would be happy to shorten this period if she was accommodated. Another proof of their immoderation?

There is no sign of remorse or shame in her email!

What is also surprising about the whole affair is the calm of the Berlin representatives on the Broadcasting Council. “Hopefully my colleagues will finally wake up to the new allegations,” said a badly annoyed broadcaster from Brandenburg to the BZ

Outside the gates of the capital, Schlesinger was rarely in good spirits anyway – she was hardly ever seen in the countryside. “It was more Paris than Perleberg and Potsdam.”

Apart from local sensibilities: May the Broadcasting Council keep a closer eye on the new director than was the case with Schlesinger.


Patricia Schlesinger rbb
