Patricia Bullrich: “If I run for President it is so as not to fail”

The president of PRO, Patricia BullrichI’m going through “Flock of assholes”the new program Viviana Canosa in twitch, who consulted him about the retaliation of the Kirchner forces in the event that he won the presidency in the 2023 elections. “I think there will be 47 million Argentines who will come out to defend us. And we are going to put a popular consultation and millions of votes against those who want to block governability, in whatever laws. And we are not going to be intimidated, because if Argentina is intimidated by the interests that want everything to stay the same, we are going to have a failure again. And if I run, it’s so I don’t fail,” declared Bullrich, who stated that “he will change the country” if he wins the election.

The head of the toughest wing of the PRO – “the hawks” – also referred to the ruling for the Cause Roadwhich has the vice president as the main implicated Cristina Kirchner and that it is presumed that it will not be favorable to him. “This could be what Nunca Más was for justice,” defined the former Minister of Security. Likewise, she stressed that the ruling constitutes a historical fact, since “a person who has power in the present tense is being tried”, unlike what happened with former presidents Carlos Menem Y Fernando De La Rua.

“It was always considered that the Argentine justice system acted ‘post mortem’. Today he is acting with a person who was president of the Nation and who is now vice president. He also praised prosecutor Diego Luciani for making a “historic” allegation.

He also blamed the government and Kirchnerism for having developed a “Stalinist strategy” to discredit the opposition. “Stalin killed everyone he thought differently. Well, ever since Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner decided to put together the lawfare theory, which has been systematically failing for her, she unleashed a bunch of operations to level and say ‘all the opponents are the same crap as me, and they all somehow put their fingers in the plug”, shot Bullrich.

It was also issued on the national chain made by the president Alberto Fernandez shortly after a series of alleged conversations were leaked between judges, businessmen and officials from Together for Change who were talking to hide a meeting held between them in Escondido Lake, Black River. “The national chain was an order. They told him to ‘make a national chain’ and ‘the figurehead’ went and gave a national chain,” Bullrich shot, and stated that he “does not know whether or not” said trip existed.

Recently, Patricia Bullrich had tweeted: “President, it is clear that you are a figurehead for the acting president. They tried them all: lawfare, intelligence operations and lies. But the one who stole the people’s money PAYS THEM. NOW, THE TOWN’S MONEY MUST GO BACK TO THE TOWN”.

by RN

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