Patients who underwent kidney transplantation are six times more likely to die after corona admission medical

People who have had a kidney transplant are six times more likely than people without kidney problems to die from the corona virus once they end up in hospital with an infection. Researchers report this on the basis of a new study in which eleven Dutch hospitals took part.

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These people are also six times more likely to be hospitalized in the months following their corona infection. The differences between kidney transplant patients and corona patients without kidney problems are not large immediately upon entering the hospital, according to the researchers. But after three months, it appears that there are “major health differences” between the groups.

The study examined 4,000 admitted Covid patients. Other kidney patients, such as people who are dependent on dialysis, are just as likely to have a serious course of corona infection as people without kidney problems. “The study emphasizes the vulnerability of people with a kidney transplant,” according to the Amsterdam UMC (one of the hospitals that participated in the study; ed.). The results have been published in the scientific journal ‘Scientific Reports’.

Other research shows that only half of people with a kidney transplant develop enough antibodies against the corona virus after two shots with a vaccine. A booster shot is therefore required.

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