Pathological families and criminal profiles

A society shocked by the “Cecilia” case. The disappearance of a woman with chilling elements at stake.

The Women’s Office reported that in 2022 there were 252 fatalities.

That’s why the population assumes that it is another case of femicide. “If a woman disappears, a man killed her.” That’s how people think.

Why can someone kill?

Who murders another, has a different mental functioning. I’m not saying impeachable. I say different. Incomprehensible.

People are not born killersit is in the first years that the foundations of the mind are built, and the following must occur:

1. Moral conscience

2. Registration of the other

3. Empathy

4. Ethics

5. Awareness of one’s own/other’s mortality

6. Internalization of norms

If it occurs, we hardly kill. If not, it becomes possible because it facilitates the structuring of a borderline psychosis, perversion or pathology.

In border or perverse structures there is understanding of the criminal act (In addition, psychopathic traits could be added).

That is why we must ask ourselves about the psychological profile of the suspect.

Someone without a moral conscience is governed by his own law. Without registration of the other, there will be a lot of selfishness. Lack of empathy will prevent compassion. And when we talk about lack of ethics, we find everything from influenceability to double standards.

When someone is not aware of mortality, we speak of a lack of anguish in the face of death. And here, killing could be perceived as one more act. If we add to this lack of internalization of norms, we will have someone who does not understand that he cannot do what he wants. There will be a sense of entitlement and a lack of responsibility/remorse/guilt.

In the family the first limits/rules arise.

  • If it is healthy the limits will be defined: rigid between the members (their individuality/independence is respected) and flexible with the outside (allowing the norms that govern at home to be compatible with social norms).
  • If it is pathological, the limits will be inverted: diffuse among the members (confused places of kinship, disrespected individualities, clan functioning); and precise/clear with the outside (social culture does not enter, “here we have our laws”).

In the second case, the members coexist with two legalities. And it worries. Because if a family functions like this and -in addition- is ordered around an “antisocial” family law, it is possible that crime will appear.

This does not explain why men kill women, but it does explain crimes of passion. In a person without the elements I mentioned above, the need for control, the lack of respect for individuality/independence, the “own laws”, can arouse jealousy, anger and the use of those “other laws” to get their own way. . In pathological families, it should not surprise us that a member can commit crimes, regardless of gender.

Dr. Pía M. Roldán Viesti

Lawyer T°92 F°959 CPACF

MN psychologist. 57,457

President and Founder of EUTI

[email protected]

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