Pastor with a muzzle leaves the Memorial Church

By Oliver Ohmann

When Martin Germer took up his new position as pastor of the Memorial Church in 2005, the BZ greeted him as a “nice gentleman with a mustache”. Pastor Germer is now retiring – and with the BZ once again through his famous long-term place of work.

Meeting point in the middle of “blue glass”, the unmistakable interior of the new building opened in 1961. “I always loved being here early in the morning when the first rays of light fell into the church,” enthuses the 65-year-old.

Born in Würzburg, grew up on the Spree, studied theology in Göttingen and Berlin. He was a pastor in Wilmersdorf for 15 years before the most famous church in Berlin called him in 2005. “It took me around three years to reach the right cruising altitude here. My predecessor Knut Soppa helped me a lot until I knew all the processes myself.”

For Martin Germer, the Memorial Church – new and old – was and is a special place. “I call it a special place of resonance because of its meaning and symbolism.”

The terrible Islamist terrorist attack of December 19, 2016 accompanies him to this day. Germer is still in contact with the relatives of the 13 victims and coordinated public pastoral care. “At the same time, I am in close contact with many Muslims, which is an indirect consequence of the terrorist attack.”

Martin Germer of the church will be retained in the foundation’s work. Because it still needs a lot of money for due renovation work. “Ten million euros were built in my time, and another 36 million will certainly be needed. As a pastor, you are always the manager of the Memorial Church here.” That is why he counts the days when important applications for funding were approved as one of his best moments.

The pastor with BZ reporter Oliver Ohmann in front of Berlin's legendary church, with which he will remain connected

The pastor with BZ reporter Oliver Ohmann in front of Berlin’s legendary church, with which he will remain connected Photo: Christian Lohse

“Other than that, I had endless beautiful moments. There were special church services, such as the one with football fans for the cup final.” In his 17 years there have been more than 1000 church services, midday prayers and evening prayers. The last one will be held in his honor on September 25th in the Memorial Church.

What does retirement bring? Germer smiles. “More time for my wife, lots of trips, plus theater and concerts, that has been neglected for many years. I could also imagine a book about the history of the Memorial Church. I’ve done some research on that over the years.”

Germer high up: in October 2008 under the roof of his church

Germer high up: in October 2008 under the roof of his church Photo: Olaf Selchow

For the last tour with the BZ, Germer came by bus (he lives only five stops away), but he had a bicycle helmet with him. “As always, I wanted to come by bike, but it was stolen from me today.” Martin Germer explains it very calmly, without any anger, one could also say cool.

He was the right pastor in turbulent times – and he will be remembered for a long time.
