Pasta whose color matters is now spreading on social media – Made all over the world

The recipe for Barbie pasta is now being shared on social media.

The color of Barbie pasta comes from beetroot and cream cheese. Eeva Paljakka

The Barbie drug that has spread around the world has also reached kitchens.

The recipe for the pink Barbie pasta is a hit on Tiktok and Instagram.

This delicately colored food was also known as beetroot pasta before the movie that made people crazy.

We tested the new favorite on social media.

There are many variations of Barbie pasta, but the flavor and color come from beetroot. Oven-roasted garlic (you don’t have to roast if you don’t want to), feta and cream cheese are ingredients in many recipes. In some instructions, feta has been omitted or cream cheese has been replaced with cream. There are variations as long as the color is pink.

Barbie pasta

500 g of pasta

4 beets (boiled, oven-cooked or pickled beets)

1 whole garlic clove

1 pkt feta

200 g unflavored cream cheese


black pepper

1. Cut off the “hat” of the garlic and roast in the oven wrapped in foil or baking paper and a splash of oil on the surface for approx. 30 min at 225 degrees.

2. Cook the pasta according to the instructions.

3. Puree the beets either in a blender or with a stick blender. Add feta, garlic, cream cheese, salt (taste if salt is needed) and pepper.

4. Mix the sauce into the pasta. You can grate parmesan on top.
