Passers-by find a body in the car

A police car during an emergency drive with flashing lights (symbolic photo)

The cause of death is still unknown, an autopsy was ordered (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress

By Ole Kroning

Shock find on Sunday at Messe Berlin! Police and fire brigade have recovered a dead person from an old car.

Passers-by found the body in the afternoon in a parking lot on the corner of Neue Kantstrasse and Messedamm and alerted the police. The fire department had to get help to break open the locked car. So far there is no evidence of a possible crime.

The identity and gender of the deceased are still unclear. It is also unclear how long the body had been in the car.

The cause of death is still unknown, an autopsy has been ordered. The criminal police have started an investigation.


Currently Berlin police
