Passengers of TUI flight after more than 48 hours of waiting in Cancún on their way to Belgium | Inland

The travelers who were stuck in Cancún, Mexico, saw their vacation end in a bad way. “Due to technical problems with the device, they were unable to go home,” TUI spokesman Piet Demeyere tells our editorial team. A engineer investigated the problem. Parts had to be replaced. After more than 48 hours of waiting, they were allowed to board the ship around 6 a.m. this morning. The flight will land at Brussels Airport around 3 pm

For many passengers, the wait was pure hell. The first night there was still hope to be able to fly on. Meanwhile, people were trying to catch up on some sleep on the airport floor. There were also children, as you can see in the video below.

TUI’s poor communication causes a lot of frustration among travelers. “It is such a pity that there is no contact person from TUI. It would have been a heart under the belt for us. But this is below all standards,” Annick told our editorial team yesterday.

The passengers were mainly informed by text message, but that did not go smoothly. The travelers had already received a few text messages with a new departure time in recent days, but each time the departure was cancelled.

There were still technical problems with another TUI flight. Travelers on their way to Mexico were stuck in Varadero, Cuba on Sunday. TUI arranged hotel stays, but the travelers were not allowed to leave the hotel for a trip because they did not have a visa for Cuba. Just before 11 p.m. yesterday evening, it was reported that the flight from Cuba to Cancún had taken off.
