Passed or not? Nervous day for students has arrived

A nerve-wracking day has arrived for high school graduates. Today, pre-university students, havists and pre-vocational secondary education (theoretical and mixed learning pathways) are told whether they have passed or failed. This brings an end to a strange school year for them, which was partly influenced by measures against the corona virus.

A teacher with a flower at the door, or just a phone call with the good news. The wait for the message from school seems endless on a day like this. The ringing of the telephone around a certain time means bad news for the student at one school, for another it is reason for a party: passed!

For example, students at the Dr. Nassau College in Norg that they will not be called, because that means failed. But is there suddenly a double-decker convertible driving in front of the house? Then the candidates can do a happy dance. After 13.00, the school will visit all successful students in this bus.

Things are a little less spectacular at Esdal College in Emmen. At this school, the mentors call their students, regardless of the result. The candidates who failed or have to do a resit come to school to discuss it with someone else. The party for all graduates is on the roll in the evening. They then receive their list of marks, a flower, a card and a flag. At many schools in Drenthe, this is broadly the case today.

There is also a good chance that the success rate this year will be higher than usual. This is due to the flexible rules that have been introduced due to the corona crisis. Students were at home for a few weeks to prevent the spread of the virus, which is certainly not conducive to the performance of this ‘corona generation’. For example, a student may move one or more subjects to the back (the second period), so that there is more time in the preparation. There is also an extra second chance – two instead of one – and a box may be crossed out. This does not apply to core subjects such as Dutch, English or mathematics.

Normally all students receive their results on the same day, but this year it is different for the VMBO framework and basis. They will hear on Wednesday 15 June whether they passed. Due to the more flexible rules, so-called standardization experts have less time to standardize all exams and it has therefore been decided to push back a part. Minister Dennis Wiersma (Primary and Secondary Education) assumes that everything will go back to normal next year.

Did you hear good news today? We are of course very curious about the decorations at your home and your radiant smile. You can send a photo to [email protected].

Shaking hands and trembling knees. The final exams of the secondary schools started a few weeks ago. We then took a look at the Havo 5 students of De Nieuwe Veste Coevorden.
