Party girls Giulia and Jahmilia are back

Giulia and Jahmilia disappeared without a trace on Sunday.  The two 14-year-olds have arrived home safely since Thursday evening

Giulia (l.) and Jahmilia were missing Photo: Private

From the BZ editorial team

The 14-year-old girls from Lichterfelde have been missing since Sunday and had previously been in trouble because of an unauthorized party. They have now returned safely to their parents.

On Sunday, Giulia and Jahmilia disappeared. They left a note with the message that they would be gone for a week… With them, 2,500 euros in cash also disappeared from the house.

Giulia’s parents initially feared that their daughter and friend Jahmilia might hide out of fear of consequences. She also had another fear. “Perhaps the two of them went into hiding with people who feared that they would also get into trouble with the police because of their accommodation,” said the father.

The girls had gotten in trouble for a party. At the weekend they celebrated with other young people at their parents’ property while their parents were not in Berlin. The in-house surveillance camera informed mother and father.

“We immediately called the girls and banned the party. “Also because there were people among the guests who could be assigned to the clan milieu,” said the lawyer. Both were subsequently grounded and banned from using cell phones.

Now the teenage girls are back – and Giulia’s parents are reassured.


Berlin Police Lichterfelde Party Missing People
