Party at NHL Stenden in Emmen and Meppel: five courses receive top designation

A party at the NHL Stenden locations in Emmen and Meppel. Five courses have been given the top designation in the HBO Choice Guide 2024. This means that, according to the guide, they are among the best courses in the Netherlands.

A party was celebrated with the students in Meppel this morning. Both the international teacher training college and the international teacher training for secondary education have been awarded. It is the first time that these courses have been given the top designation. “We were amazed at that. A pleasant surprise,” laughs branch manager Ton Gelmers. “I never thought about the fact that you can become a top program. But we have gone over the magical limit of 75 points.”

The HBO Choice Guide maps out all HBO courses every year. All courses receive a score based on study success, opportunities on the labor market and the National Student Survey, which is completed annually by almost 300,000 students.

The fact that the teacher training course has won prizes feels like a reward for Gelmers. “That course has been in existence in Meppel for 12 years. Seven years ago it became an independent course. Since then we have grown very steadily from 60 points to 78 points today. I think the best part is that you are appreciated by students in this way. compliment.”

“But I have had that feeling of appreciation for years, just as we receive many positive reactions from the schools where our students do internships and work,” says the Meppel location manager, who will retire next year. “That’s why I’m not worried about next year. It would be nice if we remained a top program. But if we lose a few points and no longer receive the designation of a top program, no one will probably worry about it.”

According to Gelmers, the fact that the international teacher training course for secondary education has also been awarded is a gift. The first-year students have only been attending school in Meppel since this school year. Next school year, the other students will also move from Groningen to Meppel.

Not only was there a party in Meppel, the cake was also presented at the NHL Stenden location in Emmen. Just like last year, three courses received the top designation in the Choice Guide. The Leisure & Events Management course retains the designation and the Chemistry and Industrial Automation and Robotics courses have been added. At the same time, this means that Finance & Control and Hotel Management courses have lost their designation.

Annette Verhoef, branch manager of NHL Stenden in Emmen, is satisfied with the results. “We are a relatively small branch with 25 studies, 14 of which have been assessed by the HBO Keuzegids. This has to do with all kinds of conditions, such as the minimum number of students following a course. It is therefore very nice that we score so well. This is a boost not only for the students but also for the teachers. It is also nice that Robotics as a new course immediately receives such good appreciation.”

Verhoef is not concerned that Finance & Control and Hotel Management have lost their designation. “You have to get 75 points to get the top designation, but these courses still score well. For example, one of the courses is just one point short of the designation. We are still very satisfied with it.”

In Meppel, branch manager Gelmers does not expect that many more students will suddenly register thanks to the top courses. “Maybe it is very important for some students, so who knows, maybe a few more will come. But a lot? No.”

“You can see from the inflow figures that it does have an effect,” Verhoef adds. “But you may wonder what role these predicates play in this. In any case, it is certain that we continue to grow in a region in which there are fewer and fewer young people.”

It is a great year for NHL Stenden. The school has been in the top four of the best large colleges in the Netherlands for six years. But more importantly, the number of top courses has more than doubled in one year, from 11 to 23. “Every day we work hard to create an even better learning environment for our students, so that we continue to contribute to broad prosperity in the region. With Now we are on the right track with no fewer than 23 top courses,” says Erica Schaper, chair of the Executive Board, proudly.
