Partnership wants more explanation about corona rules Morocco

Partnership wants more explanation about corona rules Morocco

Moroccan airspace will reopen for international air traffic from Monday. Many people now want to travel to Morocco, but some are hesitant because of the corona rules in the country, says Bouchaib Saadane, chairman of the Moroccan Dutch Association (SMN). “We will contact the Moroccan consulate about this next week.”

Saadane knows that there is a lot of enthusiasm among Moroccan Dutch people to visit Morocco for, among other things, family visits or holidays. “Many people have not been there for years and there are of course also Moroccan Dutch who have lost family due to corona and for that reason would like to go back to Morocco.”

He states that the corona rules may be a reason for some Moroccan Dutch people not to be too expeditious when booking a trip. Not only is it not clear to everyone which rules exactly apply, the mandatory PCR test, which also applies to people who have been vaccinated, can also be an obstacle. “Travel becomes more expensive if you need a PCR test like this, especially if you travel to Morocco with a whole family,” says Saadane. “That is why we would like to know what the benefit of a PCR test is for people who have already been vaccinated and to receive more information about the corona rules in general for traveling to Morocco.”


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