Partial closure of the Veenhuizen swimming pool is imminent if volunteers are not forthcoming

If the swimming pool in Veenhuizen does not quickly find volunteers to run shifts in the kiosk, the swimming pool will close at set times. That says board member Rob Meijer.

According to Meijer, the swimming pool has enough supervisors, but volunteers stay out of the kiosk. This means that the schedules can no longer be filled and supervisors are also expected to help in the kiosk. “But we need the supervisors at the pool. Safety above all,” says Meijer.

Meijer thinks that the shortage on the labor market is also having repercussions on the ‘volunteer market’. “In any case, we see that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find people,” he says. “This swimming pool runs on volunteers, that also applies to the board.”

That is why the swimming pool is making an urgent call for more hands along the pool. The swimming pool divides the kiosk services into three: a morning, afternoon and evening service. “We have already tried to approach people in various ways, but so far we have not been able to find additional volunteers. If that continues, it means that we will have to close the bath at times when there is no kiosk crew. A shame, of course, but it must be safe.”
