Part-time soldiers practice at Heel and Panheel locks | 1Limburg

Heel and Panheel were the scene of a National Reserve military exercise on Friday and Saturday.

About 50 part-time soldiers from two platoons were active in and around the locks for two days.

During the exercise, the reservists had to keep a large group of people under control, among other things, which also caused ‘injuries’. Actors are used in the exercise.

The exercise in Heel is not only intended to hone military skills, but also to recruit new volunteers. “Right now we could really use some new people, ranging from students to people who have a job,” said Captain of the National Reserve.

The two platoons are officially stationed at the Lieutenant General Best barracks in Vredepeel. The National Reserve of Natres consists of volunteers who, in addition to their regular jobs, are also available as military personnel.

Last summer, these reservists were also deployed during the flood in Limburg, for example. Their main task is to protect Dutch territory and to support both military and civilian operations.
