Part of wages exempt from wage garnishment temporarily increased by 20 percent due to high energy prices | Economy

A judge can garnish wages when someone fails to pay off debts. However, a portion of the income, which depends on the income, is not seized. That part will be increased by 20 percent for everyone until the end of this year, according to a bill from Vooruit that was given the green light in the House Justice Committee on Tuesday afternoon.

“That is an important step that gives the most vulnerable more room to get by at the end of the month,” says Vooruit party leader Melissa Depraetere. “Energy is the basis, not a luxury. As far as we are concerned, we will extend this measure as long as it is necessary.”

The socialists also argue in favor of adjusting the unsecurable part of the wage garnishment several times to the index. Now that only happens once a year, so that the limits on wage attachments do not increase quickly enough with energy prices, it sounds like.

The measure comes in the context of the energy crisis, and also applied during the corona crisis.
