Parliamentary committee on aviation moved to June 1 | 1Limburg

The Parliamentary Committee on Aviation, which was canceled at the last minute on Thursday, will now take place on Wednesday 1 June.

In that meeting, the future of Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA) will also be discussed and whether the government has a role in this.

The committee meeting was canceled on Thursday because Minister Mark Harbers (VVD) has corona. Harbers will come to the meeting of June 1 with a letter in which he discusses, among other things, an adopted motion by PVV Member of Parliament Dion Graus about MAA.

Also read: PVV MP Graus wants financial support from the government for MAA

In it, the government is asked to guarantee the importance of MAA as the second national airport for air cargo. Graus had already announced last week that he would argue in the House of Representatives committee for the government to provide structural financial support for MAA.

This must be done directly or through the Schiphol Group of which the government is a major shareholder.

The plenary debate on regional airports in the House of Representatives has been postponed for a week due to the shift in the committee meeting. That will now take place on June 8, not June 1.

On 3 June, the Limburg Parliament has to make a decision about the future of MAA.
