Parliament will elect Laura Castel and Héctor Sánchez as new ERC senators on Friday

He Parliament will name next Friday two new regional senators by CKD. Is about laura castle and Hector Sanchez, who will occupy the seats of Pau Furriol and Adelina Escandell. Before the plenary session, the deputy’s statute commission will have to meet to review the suitability of the two candidates.

The Republicans already announced that there could be changes in their ranks in the Upper House last July, coinciding with the election of Núria Marín, by the PSC, and Teresa Pallarès, by Junts; but it has not been until now when they have activated the mechanisms to make it effective, coinciding with the plenary session called for this week.

It had been speculated that Esquerra could take advantage of this remodeling to choose as senator Ernest Maragallwho did not obtain representation in the elections last July, but in the end the party did not include his name on the list.

Héctor Sánchez, currently general secretary of the Communists of Catalonia, was already part of the ERC lists on 23-J, but was not elected; while Laura Castel was a senator in the last legislature. According to ERC sources, the decision is aimed at giving “continuity” to Castel and the coalition with Sobiranistes. Maragall, for now, will continue as a councilor in the Barcelona city council.

No change in the general policy debate

The vote of Castel and Sánchez will be held in plenary session next Friday, which has as its only point to decide whether to file an appeal of unconstitutionality to the State housing law, as requested by Junts and ERC. This has been decided by the Board of Parliament in a meeting held this Tuesday, in which it has been agreed not to modify the plenary session of the general policy debatewhich will open the political course on September 26, 27 and 28.

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Despite coinciding with the investiture session in the Congress of the PP candidate, Alberto Núñez Feijóoaccording to the same sources, no parliamentary group has requested a change of dates.

At the same meeting, the Bureau also agreed that the Junts deputy Lluis Puig can continue voting electronically during this new session, although it is pending to address the modification of the regulations of the House to fit it.
