Park hammer – This makes gardening a luxury

Johannes Malinowski on the park anger of allotment gardeners

Johannes Malinowski on the park anger of allotment gardeners Photo: Parwez

By Johannes Malinowski

This week we are harvesting apples and potatoes in our allotment on the outskirts of town. Without a car it would be impossible to bring the harvest home.

The allotment gardeners from Wilmersdorf are rightly upset about the insane parking hammer. For many of them, the car is the only way to transport plants and vegetables or potting soil and gardening tools. And those who have been tending to the garden for many years are often dependent on the car for health reasons.

Allotment gardening is a relatively inexpensive hobby that rich and poor, young and old can afford.

So far, everyone is equal in court and on the plot. But when a parking hour will soon cost three euros, gardening will become a luxury.


Allotment arbor parking
