Paris hotels for strijd with tegen bedwantsen in aanloop naar Olympic Games | Buitenland

The Paris hotels have two beds in the aanloop near the Olympic Games this summer. The owner of Le Parisien wrote that many of the best practices have been carried out for inspections of hotel rooms with snuff dogs.

The hotels will have a negative advertisement with a photo of a bedwants on a booking platform, and they will organize the self-preventive checks in the rooms, according to Sébastien Pizzocaro, a medical judge from a bedrijf that is offered by the snuffelhonden. “Various plagues can be detected for the sake of large golf tourists,” says Hij.

Elke inspecteerde camera costs about 30 euros. As bedwantsen have been reported, the ongediertebestrijders can be used with a stoombehandeling.

The Olympic Games will be held from July 26th to August 11th. This is the Paralympic Games, from August 28th to September 8th.

Last summer brak in France hysterie uit over bedwantsen. Steeds a number of people reported that they had real bedclothes in trains, cinema’s and other places, pictures with photos.

KIJK. Bedwantsen kruipen rond op metrostoelen in Paris

Recent data about the overheid stated that he is in the right place in France. Between 2017 and 2022, 11 percent of the money was hit.

Bedwantsen leven van bloed van mens en dier, en verblijven in bewoonde, afgesloten ruimtes. We hide ourselves in beds, near the furniture of barsten. Bedwantsen zijn momenteel resistant tegen zo good than all insecticides that are verkrijgbaar zijn. Professional service is in the same manner as before.

LEES OOK. ▶ How can I put my hand on the bed with the bed? Onze wetenschapsjournalist lays uit(+)
