Parents vs Influencers: the plot of the film with Fabio Volo and De Lellis

cHow would you react if your daughter came to tell you what she wants to do the influencer? It is one of the themes addressed in Michela Andreozzi’s comedy Parents vs Influencersup tonight TV8 at 21.30. Fabio Volo plays the role of the aforementioned father, dealing with his teenage daughter who is crazy about social media, and with Julia DeLellisfor the first time actress in a film where she plays ainfluencer with millions of followers (practically herself).

Does social media represent absolute evil? As with everything, the truth lies somewhere in between. And this too is a topic addressed in the film which, without taking itself seriously, will make you reflect on relationships in today’s society.

Parents vs Influencers: the plot

Paul (Fabio Volo) it’s a philosophy professor in a high school in Rome, he raised his daughter Simone alone (Geneva Francesconi) and just can’t stand the trend of social. There fifteen year old Simon (in French) instead he has a completely different opinion, she was born in the age of social mediacan’t do without the smartphone and wants to become an influencerjust like her idol Ele-O-Nora (Julia DeLellis)

The father does not really digest that world: he defines who frequents it “fryers of nothing”. Simone resumes those statements with his cell phone, which once posted go viral. Paul launches a campaign against the abuse of social mediawith the help of the same Simon, who becomes his web manager. The unexpected fame will transform him, against his will, into an influencer. Is social media as bad as you professed? Paul will have to change his mind and will be able to recover the relationship with his daughter.

Fabio Volo and Giulia De Lellis. (Sky)

A comedy that tells the story of today’s society

After all the comedy of Michael Andreozzi speaks of something ancestral catapulted into the modern era: del relationship between parents and childrenof disruption of adolescenceof the conflict between adults and young people, of the reconquest of a broken relationship, of different points of view and of a possible dialogue between distant worlds.

Today we have to ask ourselves if the social networks further amplify this gap and if they isolate young people by anchoring them to a system that can dangerously alienate them. Parents vs Influencers he tells us clearly: the important thing is to find the right balance. The film uses the tone of comedy and lightness, it does not want to give lessons, but only to dwell a bit on one subject deeply connected to modern society.

Giulia De Lellis, the story with Andrea Damante and a program on Real Time

This is the debut film of Julia DeLellisthe influencer from over 5 million followers on Instagram who made talk about himself and his love story with Andrew Damante. By the way, there is talk of a flashback. Will it be like this? THE social they are freaking out. Meanwhile, De Lellis will be up from 11 March real-time to the management of Call Of Beautya new program on the techniques of make-up.

