Parents rebelled against a Berlin headmistress

The parents do not give this headmistress a good report: there is a rumor at the Georg-Zacharias-School, now even a replacement of the head pedagogue is being demanded!

“The relationship of trust has been massively damaged,” according to the Parents’ Association (GEV). The headmistress was “neither professionally nor personally suitable”.

The parents list their allegations on six pages, e.g. bad communication on Corona topics, toxic atmosphere in the college. Anger and screaming fits are said to be the order of the day.

“She humiliates unpopular teachers,” it says. And: “Three dedicated teachers were bullied out in just under two years.” In a statement by the teachers to the parents’ representatives, there is talk of a “culture of prohibition and fear”.

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GEV boss Hanno Kambrüwen (41): “It can’t go on like this. Discussions with the school inspector have yielded nothing. We therefore demand the dismissal of the headmistress! This is the only way to improve the situation for children, teachers and educators.”

The headmistress did not want to comment on BZ. The education administration only says: “We do not comment on individual personnel matters.”
