Parental allowance: How to get financial support after the birth

Can I change my application later?

Changes to the application are always possible if they affect future months of life and if the parental allowance has not yet been paid out. Special requirements apply to changes for previous months. You have to keep in mind that anything that was created more than three months ago can no longer be changed. In addition, no changes are possible even after the end of the period in which you received parental allowance. For months in which parental allowance has already been paid out, changes are only possible in cases of particular hardship, for example the death of a parent. It is different with ElterngeldPlus. You can subsequently apply for basic parental allowance for the months in which you received or have already received parental allowance plus. You can apply for all changes at the parental allowance office. A normal letter is sufficient for this, you do not need a specific form.

Danger: If you make changes to your application at a later date, your health insurance may no longer apply. If you are not sure, ask your health insurance company for advice before making any changes.
