Paralympic champion Kappel sets another world record

Nottwil (dpa) – Paralympic champion Niko Kappel set a world record again a week after his best performance.

At the Grand Prix meeting in Nottwil, Switzerland, the 27-year-old hit the ball 14.99 meters in the last of his six attempts, five centimeters further than his world record a week ago at the throwing days in Halle/Saale.

“I expected a lot today, but not that I could improve the record again. It’s absolutely amazing. I hope that I can take the flow with me and break the 15 meters this year,” said Kappel, who competes in the starting class F41. Before his two record shots, the world record was 14.31 meters.

The short athlete from VfB Stuttgart celebrated his greatest sporting triumph in 2016 when he jumped 13.57 meters at the Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro and won the gold medal.
