Paolo Conte returns home for a concert of the heart

Styes, of course, the concert at the Teatro alla Scala it was an event. And what an event. But in this Never Ending Tourthis endless tour of Paul Contethere are other super suggestive stages: Piazza San Marco in Venice, for example, on 9 July, or piazza della Santissima Annunziata in Florence on 21. The first to mention – and not only in chronological order – is however that of May 27 in Moncalvoabout twenty minutes after his good retirement in the Asti area, for the season 2023 Of Orsolina28 Art Foundation. It will go up – with its historic orchestral ensemble made up of eleven elements – on an open stage with a unique backdrop: the hills of Monferrato (not surprisingly recognized by UNESCO as a “World Heritage Site”).

A non-profit gala

Paolo Conte (photo by Alessandro Menegatti).

The singer-songwriter, born in Asti in 1936, has chosen to donate part of the proceeds from the evening to the Ursulina Art Foundation (created to promote the future of the performing arts and transform them into a factor of social development and growth for the area), so that it reinvests them in its socially useful activities in support of Paideia Foundation it’s at ASAI – Intercultural Animation Association of Turin, who take care of children with different abilities and of children, young people and adults at risk of marginalization. Also the proceeds of the gala dinner which will be held in his honor in the lemon greenhouse will be donated to non-profit initiatives.

The party continues

The next day, Sunday 28 May, the appointment is with Neshama (in Hebrew “soul”), the concert by Raiz (the leader of Almamegretta) and Radicanto inside the suggestive structure called The Eye. The program includes traditional Sephardic music and various authors in perfect line with the review cherry notes. And the program does not end here: to be marked in the diary the performances of the Batsheva troupe – on May 31st Kamuyot and June 3rd Decadance#22 – born from the genius of Ohad Naharin, who is very fond of Orsolina, so much so that he elects it as the ideal place for his parents workshops open to all.

Mr Gaga

The stage overlooking the Monferrato on which Paolo Conte will perform.

Yes because Naharin – celebrated in 2018 by the documentary Mr Gaga. Body and soul of a dance genius Of Tomer Heymann – is more than a choreographer: he is the inventor of the “Gaga Method” for a dance dictated by instinct which thus becomes a liberating act. As he had well explained to iO Woman a distinguished practitioner, Nicole Krauss.

“At the heart of Gaga is the act of listening to the body: I’ve been busy, for the most part, listening to my mind and my thoughts. There is so much information and experiences and memories stored in the limbs » she had told us the New York writer. “Unfortunately, the type of education we receive in Western culture does not teach us how to access it. And so our limbs stiffen, our movements become repetitive and we use the body mostly for practical purposes or for sex. But if we learn to appreciate it, we begin to free the imagination, to adhere more to the true self and to evolve in an extraordinary way».

Dance therapy

The Batsheva company in “Kamuyot”.

Krauss even made Naharin one of the protagonists of her novel Dark forest (Guanda). «I had lost the instinct for pleasure, even the primary one that in the morning, in bed, pushes you to roll over towards the sunlit side… Is it possible that responsibilities and anxieties lead you to unlearn it? This was my bug when, in 2010, a friend invited me to an Ohad show. And everything has changed.” Literary exaggerations? For an objective evaluation, all you have to do is check Orsolina28 in person…

