Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli, finished marriage

TOIn April, to deny the breakup rumors, they had shot a video together between ironic and mocking, sharing it on social networks. And then she, guest a Very true, he had reiterated the concept. Now, less than two months later, the marriage between Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli is officially over after 21 years. They themselves announced the decision to separate, explaining that however, they remain “more united than ever”.

Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli: it’s over

Bonolis, 61, and Bruganelli, 49, talked about each other in an exclusive interview with Vanity Fair. «We have lived a lot together and we continue to live together», she explained, but then «it happened that two people talk to each other and also say what may be different projections of life. It went the way it does for many couples ».

«For some time – added Bonolis – Sonia had difficulty living in a situation that was no longer hers. She tried to force it, and I have to congratulate her on that, until she understood that it was useless to force something that couldn’t be forced. She spoke to me, she explained to me, and I couldn’t help but understand. That’s how she ended up.”

Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli, the video denial of the crisis

More united than ever

In the interview, released as a couple, however, the two do not miss the usual irony: to the question “what was broken?” Bonolis promptly replied “i cogl …, me”, provoking a hearty laugh from his now ex-wife.

And they clarify that the end of marriage is not the end of life together: «We are separated, yet we are more united than ever», explains the entrepreneur and commentator, underlining that «we will continue to be for our family, for each other. The feeling is strong, but it is no longer what brought us together».

Sonia Bruganelli and Paolo Bonolis in 2019, on the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival. (Getty Images)

And in any case “we are parents”, so “we will continue to take holidays together, we will maintain the same dynamics”. In short, the rupture did not take place because of «third parties or lovers».

The decision made by her

It was she who made the decision to arrive at the separation, confirms Bruganelli. The reason is that “I could no longer enthusiastically live some of the things that are part of a relationship».

A relationship that has transformed over time: «When we got engaged I was 23 years old, I hadn’t graduated yet, he was a man» and only as the years went by «we have become aware of our differences». For example, that «Paolo has always been very romantic and very passionate, unlike me who is not at all».

The reason for the denial

But why, if there was really a crisis in the couple, was there that categorical denial two months ago? Because, explains the famous conductor, “it was news that we should have been the first to give to those responsible”, while instead “in the fascinating world of Gossipland people vampirically attach themselves to the lives of others ignoring feelings, affections, children”.

At that moment, in short, «we wanted to take back what was ours», added Bruganelli, explaining that despite being public figures «we might as well have been apart for some time and not want to say it». In any case, the end of their marriage will be an intimate matter: “There will be no lawyers or alimony, none of this”, she clarifies, not sparing a dig at the Totti-Blasi divorce: “I have my bags and my Rolexes ».

A future return?

For the future, however, the two are not ruling out anything. “For me – explains Bruganelli – what Califano’s song says still applies: ‘I don’t rule out a return'”. Encouraging Bonolis’ answer: «It is probable that if you come back you will find me busy, but you knock anyway».

