Paola Barale talks about menopause and abortion at 41 years old

TO Just turned 56, Paula Barale she is an accomplished and self-confident woman. But her past hasn’t always been easy. On the contrary. You have faced pains and made painful choices that you speak in It’s not the end of the worldhis book which will be released on May 23rd. A text in which the presenter talks about herself with an open heart, revealing every detail of her life, from premature menopause to the choice to have an abortion.

Paola Barale and early menopause

«At first I felt lost». Paola Barale does not mince words to tell her state of mind when she received the report from her gynecologist: her menopause. It was 2008 and she was only 42 years old.

«In the early days, it was effecting for me to see sanitary pads on supermarket shelves. It was unexpected. My gynecologist told me that menopause can sometimes be the result of severe stress» he tells in an interview given to the weekly f. A diagnosis, that of early menopause, difficult to accept. Yet she decided to talk about it for a very specific reason: «We talk about menopause as if it were a kind of death. It is not true».

“That doesn’t make us old”

The presenter’s invitation to women who have faced the same diagnosis is clear: «The average life span has lengthened and we cannot spend a third of our existence sad, resigned. There’s no point in feeling old because we’re not” explains.

Inviting, therefore, to experience early menopause certainly as a period of change that needs adjustment. But looking even further and moving forward: «I was fine before and I’m fine now».

Menopause, nature's allies to better face it

Abortion: “It wasn’t what I wanted for myself at the time”

A painful choice but which she never regretted. So Paola Barale recounts the decision to abort. The showgirl does not reveal the age at which she became pregnant or who was the father of the child.

But she is keen to explain why she decided not to carry on with the pregnancy: «I got pregnant after only a month of being together. I had no guarantee that it would last,” he says. And he points out: “It wasn’t what I wanted for myself at the time».

Paola Barale: «Never regretted the abortion»

Today Paola Barale thinks back on that choice in a conscious and serene way. «I’m a free woman, so if I didn’t end up having a baby, I think it was a conscious choice” He says. And, although her gynecologist warned her about the danger of a future repentance, she reiterates: «But can you have a baby to avoid regretting not having had it?».

