Paola Barale and the photo of the past. Fans: You’re Italian Madonna

M.oment of nostalgia for Paola Barale. The TV presenter posted on Instagram a shot of many years ago, when he was at the beginning of his career. A photo immediately appreciated by its 600 thousand followers. A photo in which the resemblance to the queen of pop, Madonna.

Paola Barale and the photo of the past

Leafing through the scrapbook, Paola found a special photo. “It all started from here», He wrote on Instagram, referring to the photographic set from which his professional career began. In the picture, Paola is very youngwith his head turned to the side, his eyes away from the lens. The hair is very curly and much darker than the blonde she has sported in the following years. A soap and water face but with a decisive beauty that immediately conquered the fans.

Beautiful yesterday and today


It’s been a while since the de The wheel of fortune, when the very young Barale joined Mike Bongiorno. But Paola’s charm is still very great. “Incredible, you are even more beautiful“,”You were beautiful and you are beautiful»,« As beautiful yesterday as today », are some of the many comments to the post with souvenir photos.

Raz Degan and Paola Barale: kiss and night of love on the island

Raz Degan and Paola Barale: kiss and night of love on the island

You are the Italian Madonna

Among the many appreciations of the followers, there are those in which it is emphasized the resemblance between the host and the music star Madonna. “You were the Italian Madonna“, many write.

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The similarity between the two women has always been evident but this photo was a perfect starting point to applaud once more. the Made in Italy “clone” of the Material Girl.

