Panic in Ukraine is growing, people are storming shops and trains

What is the situation now in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, where weapons and ammunition were distributed uncontrollably to everyone, and where does a lot of fakes? And what about other Ukrainian cities?

On the morning of Monday, February 28, the curfew ended in Kyiv. People were able to go to work, shops, pharmacies. Huge queues immediately lined up at the supermarkets. But the shelves with water, cereals and what is stored for a long time are already empty. Bread, sausage, canned food disappeared.

Kiev residents complain that there is no salt, no sugar, no toilet paper, no cereals either, there are only different packages of buckwheat, pasta.

Bread prices have gone up in Kharkov, people are fighting for food. Marauders began to operate in other cities. They storm stores, taking out everything they can: from household appliances to frying pans.

In the city of Akhtyrka, the authorities promise to shoot on the spot for looting, and raising prices will be equated with robbery. The same decision was made by the mayor of Zhytomyr.

“I warn everyone, the National Guard, the police and the territorial defense received an order not to detain looters, but to shoot them on the spot. There will be no looting in the city,” Zhytomyr Mayor Sergei Sukhomlin emphasized.

At night, residents of the capital and all major cities again sit out in shelters. And in the morning they try to leave the country. According to the UN, about half a million people have already left Ukraine. Lines of cars stand at the borders. People go to Poland, Romania, and from there they want to get to Italy and Germany.

At the railway stations in Kyiv and Lvov, the situation is close to critical. Crowds of people are trying to get into the evacuation trains, stand for hours on the platforms and literally take the cars by storm.

International students stranded in Ukraine say they face additional challenges trying to leave the country. Hundreds of Africans, including Nigerian and Ghanaian citizens, speak of blatant racism.

“Africans are pushed away, they shout at us. We are not allowed to cross the border. Look how many of us there are. Special treatment is given to the citizens of Ukraine, while Africans are forced to wait on the sidelines, in the cold. There are many people from the Congo and Rwanda,” complains an African student .

“They treated us like animals, really. They were heartless. They didn’t let us through the border. Some of them threatened us with weapons. We asked: let us go through. And they said: it’s impossible and drove us away,” continues her story student.

Panic among people is only growing. Over the past two days, more than 25 thousand machine guns, 10 million rounds of ammunition, RPGs and grenades have been handed out to everyone. Without documents. This means that anyone, including criminals, can get weapons. According to the authorities, there will still be more patriots than bandits. But how to explain this to those who have already lost their loved ones, who died at the hands of nationalists who roam the cities in search of saboteurs.
